How to Remove My Post On Facebook

Deleting Posts On Facebook

Just how to remove any type of article that you developed on Facebook, in addition to just how to eliminate comments you made. Keep in mind that, while you can report other people's messages for being improper, you can not erase another individual's blog post unless it's on your page.

How to Remove My Post On Facebook

It's simple enough to delete one Facebook post each time, however there's no constructed in means to remove articles in batch. For that, you'll require to rely on an internet browser extension.

Facebook has had a poor couple of months. The Cambridge Analytica blunder is only the latest thing making individuals re-evaluate exactly how Facebook matches their lives. You could always completely quit Facebook if you want, but also for many that's not an alternative. Perhaps you require it for job, perhaps you need it to join teams or message buddies, or maybe you just like using it. Yet what about all those old, unpleasant or delicate articles? Or what if you wish to clean all your old articles and simply begin fresh?

If you've made use of Facebook for a while, it would take way too much time to go back and also remove every blog post separately. Personally, I've been making use of Facebook's "On Now" feature to inspect back over old posts as well as remove those I don't like. But, if you desire a quick way to remove a great deal of messages simultaneously, you'll require to utilize a browser extension.

This post includes our typical warning regarding web browser expansions being a personal privacy headache. Yes, it's paradoxical that we're combating one privacy issue by utilizing an additional. Yet it's virtually the only way to get this done. As well as you can constantly get rid of the extension when you're ended up using it.

We're mosting likely to make use of Social Book Message Manager for Google Chrome. We have not had the ability to find a Firefox or Safari expansion that functions as conveniently, so even if you're not a Chrome individual, you're probably best off mounting Chrome briefly just so you can use this extension to clean your Facebook account.

Open Chrome and also head to the Social Book Article Manager page in the Chrome Web Shop. Click the "Contribute To Chrome" button.
Deleting Posts On Facebook

Next, click the "Include Extension" switch. You'll after that need to leave and reopen Chrome to finish installing the expansion.
Deleting Posts On Facebook

Currently the expansion is ready, head to Facebook. If you wish to, you can download and install a copy of all the data you've ever before uploaded to Facebook as a backup. After that (or instead of that if you do not care concerning supporting your old messages), click the downward encountering arrowhead in the top right and choose the "Activity Log" command.
Deleting Posts On Facebook

The Activity Log shows everything you've ever done on Facebook. It's type of distressing to simply scroll back with. You can see details sort of task using the filters on the left side, and also dive to a specific date utilizing the navigation on the best side.
Deleting Posts On Facebook

If you want to erase whatever you've done, leave Activity Log selected in the filters. Or else, if you simply intend to delete things you have actually uploaded or the messages you're identified in, utilize the relevant filters. The Social Publication Post Supervisor services whatever messages are consisted of in the filter you have actually set up.

When you have your filter established, click the "Social Publication Blog post Manager" symbol in Chrome to bring up the expansion.
Deleting Posts On Facebook

There are a few options below for fine adjusting which messages you target.

  • Year: target a particular year or just choose Select All.

  • Month: target a details month or simply pick select All.

  • Text Contains: just target posts containing a specific key words.

  • Text Not Includes: only target posts without a particular keyword phrase.

  • Prescan On Page: lets you evaluate which blog posts will be deleted prior to they're actually deleted.

  • Rate: how fast Social Book Post Manager functions. On a faster computer system with an excellent web connection, you can use a greater rate.

To demonstrate how this all jobs, I'm going to target every one of my own blog posts from November 2007. First, I chose the "Messages" filter in Facebook so that the extension will just target my very own blog posts. After that, I opened the Social Publication Message Supervisor extension, picked 2007 for the year, and November for the month. I've left the "Prescan on Web page" alternative allowed so that I can assess posts before they are removed. And also I'm not making use of any keywords.

Establish Social Book Message Supervisor up the means you want, and afterwards click the "Erase" button. Social Book Article Supervisor will certainly run, scrolling down the page as it does. Unwind and also allow it do its point. The more posts you're targeting, the longer it will certainly take.
Deleting Posts On Facebook

When it's done scanning, you'll see the outcomes. If you had the prescan option switched on, it shows a list of matching blog posts with a little blue tick next to each message it's targeting for removal. If you really did not have the prescan on, your articles will certainly have already been deleted.
Deleting Posts On Facebook

If you did utilize the prescan on, you can go through and deselect any messages you wish to keep. You can additionally open the "Verify to Delete" food selection and pick or deselect all the articles at once. When you've reviewed and also selected articles, open that "Confirm to Remove" food selection, and then choose the "Remove" command.
Deleting Posts On Facebook

Once more, Social Book Article Supervisor will certainly obtain work to function erasing articles. When it's done, the blog posts will be gone.
Deleting Posts On Facebook

While erasing your old posts is an excellent concept, it won't help you if 3rd party currently has your information. Likewise, while Facebook declares in their Terms of Service that anything you remove also gets removed from their web servers, they additionally state that "the gotten rid of material might continue backup copies for a reasonable time period (typically, for a maximum of 90 days ...)" and will certainly be held for longer "if needed by appropriate law, order of any kind of government company or judicial body, or such".